would you like to increase your leads, listings, and commissions,

without any additional time or money?

Watch this 3 minute video to learn how you can do just that!

And don't let the coming NAR commission changes destroy your business!

Fill out this form to schedule a time to future-proof your real estate business!

With The New Commission Rules

Coming In July, This Is Your Opportunity To Secure Your Business' Future!

With the recent National Association of Realtors settlement, in response to resolve multiple class-action lawsuits, the potential future of your real estate business could be hanging in the balance.

With sellers likely taking a more aggressive stance in what kind of commission they're willing to pay listing agents, coupled with the fact that MLS listings will no longer be allowed to include the amount of cooperating Buyer Agent commissions, commission dollars are likely going to get reduced drastically.

In addition, Buyer's-side commission payments will now be falling on the burden of Buyers, who already are struggling to come up with enough money for their downpayment and closing costs, meaning we're about to head to an environment of uncertainty and turmoil in the real estate industry.

With all this uncertainty, why not try to future-proof some of your listings and commissions by partnering with a cash buyer who will not only pay you a commission when we buy, but you'll also get the same house as a listing at a much higher price after we're done making improvements, AND at 6% total commission, where we'll pay the Buyer's side commission, increasing the number of Buyers who could afford to buy your listing?

And to top it all off, it won't cost you any money, and we'll even do all the work!

This partnership opportunity is a no-brainer, but we can only work with a select few agents on a first come, first served basis.

So watch the video, read through the FAQ's, fill out the form, and let's discuss how we can work together to continue growing our businesses!

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this FREE service help my real estate business?

We’re providing you with a unique alternative to virtually all of your competition: the ability to offer sellers the opportunity to BUY their house now, in addition to providing them your existing service of listing their house.

While the number of sellers in need of this service is definitely much smaller compared to those who want to do a traditional listing, the message you can add to your existing marketing of getting a “Cash Offer in 90 Seconds or Less, Without Having to Speak to Anyone!” allows many other sellers to respond to your marketing in a passive way, without having to speak to anyone, while still capturing their information to contact them directly.  

Many of these people might not be ready to list yet and wouldn’t have contacted you directly, so your response rate on your marketing will skyrocket.

How does this service work?  What will you be doing for me?

We are providing you with a proven lead generating website, branded for your business.  This site is designed to provide a CASH offer price range to those sellers looking to sell now instead of the traditional method with a real estate agent.  And the message you’re promoting is also to get those who may be thinking of selling to respond when they might not have otherwise.

In addition to providing you with the website, our team of experienced negotiators will be reaching out to every lead to discuss their situation and determine their best option of selling now or listing now.  

Our team will use a combination of live and automated followup for several weeks to try and get them on the phone. And once we’re able to speak with them and determine that listing their home is their best option, we will even schedule an appointment for you to meet or speak with them to get the listing (if you provide us your calendar link, Calendly, Google, etc.)

The bottom line is you’ll be generating more leads, with no extra cost, no extra time chasing the leads down, having them pre-qualified, and even getting an appointment scheduled for you.   All you’ll need to do is make sure you’re driving leads to the site by adding the URL and the irresistible offer to whatever marketing you’re already doing, and let us do all the rest of the work.

This sounds great, but how will this make me more money? Why shouldn’t I just list the house now rather than having you buy it?

There are two big benefits (and paydays!) for working those “buy now” leads through our service.  The first is that when we close on the house to buy, you’ll receive a $1,000 transactional licensee fee.  The second is that when we sell the house, it’s been completely rehabbed to get top dollar.  This means your 6% commission will be based on a much higher selling price, meaning your commission dollars could be several thousand more than trying to list the house now at a much lower price.

How many additional listings can I expect to get from your FREE service?

We want to be honest and transparent.  This is not going to be some panacea to your real estate business.  If you don’t have the ability to actively market this unique offer to your prospects, then you’re also not going to get any results.  If you’re not driving traffic to the site somehow, whether it’s direct mail, online ads, social media, or your own website, then you can’t expect to get any results, and you’ll think this is a waste of time.

Remember, the purpose of the message, “Get an Offer in 90 Seconds or Less, Without Having to Speak to Anyone!”, is designed to generate a higher response.  To get people that are either looking to sell now, without a real estate agent, or to get those who are on the fence to respond when they might not have otherwise.

We can’t quantify an exact number because your results are going to be based on how much effort you put into marketing the message, and ultimately how good you are at closing the listing presentation.

If you’re offering this service to every other realtor in my area for FREE, why wouldn’t everyone do it, which would then eliminate my ability to stand out?

Great question.  While we are offering this to all agents, there are some who are happy with their existing business or just don’t want to add it to their business for some reason. Additionally, we don’t want to work with every agent for that exact reason.  This is why we’re limiting the number of agents that we will work with in each county to just five.  They will be chosen on a first come, first served basis, for those who will qualify based on their current and future marketing plans.

How do I utilize this service to benefit me?

The first step would be to purchase a domain URL that’s memorable to your clients, like BobHelpsSellers.com, etc.  The next step is to add that URL to all of your existing marketing, such as postcards, or Facebook, or other social and traditional media.  You need to let the world know that you’re now able to offer a “buy now” cash option to your prospects in addition to your listing services.

Where possible try to add a blurb that states “Get a Cash Offer in 90 Seconds or Less Without Speaking to Anyone!” along with your URL.  This is a powerful message in that they don’t have to speak to anyone, and they can get an actual offer in little time.   The simplicity of this process is what raises your response rates on your marketing by getting countless more people engaged versus the friction of having to pick up the phone and have a conversation.

I’m spending all of this money on marketing. If I put your website on my marketing materials, how does that benefit me?

You’re actually not putting our website on your marketing.  You’re adding your own vanity URL that will point to a website that’s branded for your business.  This keeps your brand top of mind to all your leads who are interested in just selling now, rather than listing, so when our team screens the leads, it’s a simple process to promote you as the listing agent solution to those leads that need retail price.  Our team introduces themselves as part of YOUR team since they initially responded to your marketing.

If a seller responds to my marketing by visiting your landing page, won’t I lose the ability to qualify my own opportunities and turn them into listings?

People who want to just sell now generally have completely different needs than listing their home to get top dollar.  That’s why they're interested in this solution. So unless you’re already buying homes yourself (in which case you don’t need this service) you’re probably not versed in how to identify what a true investment deal is and how to structure a solution that meets the needs of the seller.  That’s where our team comes in.  We’ve been finding solutions for these sellers for over 32 years, so we know what to ask for those who need this solution.  

Again, if you already know how to do this, then this free service would not be for you.  

The truth is that the vast majority of those leads looking to sell their home now ultimately do need to get a retail price, which our team explains to them, and then forwards those leads to you for you to work on getting the listing.  

How can I trust your company to properly qualify my leads and push them back to me if determined they are retail?

We have been buying investment properties for over 31 years, identifying seller’s needs and creating solutions that work for all parties.  Our team are professionals at qualifying these leads, and the truth is that the vast majority of these leads ultimately do need to get a retail price, which our team explains to the sellers, and then forwards those leads to you for you to work on getting the listing, or if you provide a calendar link, we’ll even schedule and appointment for you.

How will I know when someone submits their info on your landing page?

As soon as a new lead comes in to us, you will get an email notification stating that you have a new lead.  Once a new lead comes in, our team immediately attempts to contact them via phone and SMS and continues to do so until we’re able to get them on the phone and have a meaningful conversation to determine what’s best for their situation.  

Once our team vets the lead and determines it’s not a candidate for a “buy now” option, they simply promote you as the listing solution (since they responded to your marketing already) and immediately email you all of the lead details, including the notes of their conversation so you can know in advance what their situation is prior to contacting them.

Keep in mind that just because a lead comes in, that doesn’t mean we’ve been able to contact them and have a conversation.  There will be some leads that come in and will never respond to any of our messages.  This is just the nature of the business, and frankly, those people are probably tire kickers anyway and not worth your time.  For this reason, you will always have more lead notifications than actual legitimate opportunities.

What if a seller doesn’t like the low offer that was presented to them, won’t that make my brand look bad?

The entire process is designed to give the seller a potential price range we can pay, since we haven’t physically seen the property at this point.  The offer presented is a fairly large range because of that, which ranges from lower to very reasonable, so they’re not getting a number-specific offer.   Since they can’t view the offer until they provide their contact information, if they change their mind about things, they will never actually see the offer.

In addition, once presented the offer, we don’t know if they’d be interested or not in that range that was presented, which is why we need to diligently contact them and have the conversation. Ultimately, your true brand is listing houses, not buying them, and the truth is that almost all sellers that are looking for a “buy now” solution, understand that they’re not going to get a retail price offer.

How can I be guaranteed to get the listing on the back end if you purchase it?

We’ve been in this business for over 31 years, and our #1 goal is to help sellers by being honest and forthright.  We treat people right and keep our word.  We wouldn’t be in business for that many years without doing so.  But with all that said, we’re happy to put our promise of listing with you in writing so you can have peace of mind knowing that “buy now” lead you generated will turn into your listing.

Who is this for?

This FREE service is for those agents who see the bigger picture.  Those agents that see the value and benefit of being able to have another tool in their tool belt to offer to their prospective clients that will set them apart from virtually all of the other agents they're competing with. But, it’s not enough to just see the value in this opportunity.  It’s those agents who are willing to utilize it, take action and promote it who are the ones that will actually reap the benefits.

The hard and honest truth is that if you don’t have any money to spend marketing yourself and your business, you’ll never see results and you’ll think this was a waste of time.  Which is why we don’t want to work with those agents. Those agents who have a monthly marketing budget, who are actively marketing themselves consistently every month, and mailing a minimum of 1,000 mail pieces every month, those are the agents that will see the greatest benefit, and those are the agents we want to work with.

Who is this NOT for?

Because we are paying for all of the services we’re providing, we can only work with a limited number of agents per county.  This ensures each agent can get the most benefit and we are not diluting our benefit to each agent. Additionally, we can only work with agents who are ACTIVELY and CONSISTENTLY marketing their business, other than word of mouth or referrals. 

We can only provide this service at NO COST to agents who are looking to do volume within their business.   If you’re a part-timer, referral-only agent, or don’t have the ability to mail a minimum of 1,000 mail pieces per month, or pay for online ads, or do significant social media marketing, unfortunately, we cannot work with you because your marketing is not sufficient to reap the benefits.

PLEASE NOTE: If you don't enter your contact info at the end, you will not receive your offer. That's part of the beauty of capturing the Seller's info.

Also note that there are some RARE circumstances where we cannot match an address or don't have AVM data to formulate an offer. However, this is RARE.

Fill out this form to schedule a time to future-proof your real estate business!

What Our Sellers Say About Us

Eleanor Fay tells about how Results Homebuyers was able to help her out selling her house and how Tom Rummel made the whole process simple, easy, and convenient.

Eleanor Fay

Happy Home Seller

Home seller, Bob Spitzer, talks about the positive experience he had selling his mother’s home to Results Homebuyers. He had some challenges that we were able to simplify and make the home sale easy and convenient.

Bob Spitzer

Satisfied Home Seller

Harry Zerman, from Robesonia, PA, talks briefly about how Results Homebuyers was able to help him out selling his mother’s house in Robesonia, and how Tom Rummel made the sales process process quick, simple, easy, and convenient.

Harry Herman

Happy Home Seller

Heather Flank, a home seller who recently inherited a 3-unit apartment, tells how Results Homebuyers helped her sell their property quickly and conveniently, and how Tom Rummel and his team made the whole process of selling their house quickly a reality.

Heather Flank

Satisfied Home Seller